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Contribution Guide

Adding a new dataset

To contribute a new dataset to the Graph Dataset Hub, please follow these steps:

graph TD
  subgraph Github ISSUE
    A[Create RFC Proposal]
    style A fill:#f9d,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
  subgraph Github PR
    B[Dataset Metadata]
    C[Data Showcase]
    D[Dataset Files]
    style B fill:#fcc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style C fill:#cfc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style D fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
  A --> B
  A --> C
  B --> D
  B --> C

RFC Proposal: Before adding a new dataset, create a RFC Proposal detailing the dataset you wish to add. This allows for discussion and collabration before moving forward.

RFC Proposal

Dataset Introduction: Once the issue is approved, you can proceed with introducing the dataset by following the steps outlined below.

  • Create a folder in the datasets directory with the id of the dataset.
  • Add a metadata.yaml file in the dataset folder.
  • For demo video, consider using NebulaGraph Explorer, Gephi, or other visualization tools(like the %ng_draw in Jupyter-NebulaGraph).
  • For iframe(html version of Graph Visualization), consider using NebulaGraph-Gephi to Query and Render a HTML file.
  • Add a schema.ddl.ngql file in the dataset folder.
  • Add nav in the mkdocs.yml file, in alphabetical order.
  • Add dataset CSV files in the dataset folder, with git LFS enabled, at least the tiny profile.

Build Graph Hub Site locally

Install git-lfs.

sudo apt-get install git-lfs
git lfs install

Install the required packages and build the site.

# Install the required packages
pip3 install -r docs/requirements.txt
# Build the site
export WITH_GITLFS=true ;python3
# Serve the site
mkdocs serve -a

Example of PR and Git Flow and File Handling

Assuming that you have already created a proposal issue and it has been discussed by the community.

Reference PR: #10

First, create a new folder in the datasets directory with the id of the dataset.

$ git add .
# datafiles, metadata, schema, and mkdocs.yml were modified
$ git status
On branch movie_recommendation
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/metadata.yaml
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/schema.ddl.ngql
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/acted_by.csv
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/acted_by.ngql
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/directed_by.csv
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/directed_by.ngql
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/genres.csv
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/genres.ngql
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/movies.csv
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/movies.ngql
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/people.csv
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/people.ngql
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/user.ngql
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/user_watched_movies.csv
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/user_watched_movies.ngql
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/with_genre.csv
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/small/with_genre.ngql
        new file:   datasets/movie_recommendation/
        modified:   mkdocs.yml

# check git-lfs status, that all data file(s) are tracked by git-lfs
$ git lfs status
On branch movie_recommendation

Objects to be committed:

        datasets/movie_recommendation/metadata.yaml (Git: 4e748db)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/schema.ddl.ngql (Git: 61b9d8d)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/acted_by.csv (LFS: 64cf649)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/ (LFS: 579455d)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/directed_by.csv (LFS: 7ce4ebd)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/ (LFS: 6e8946b)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/genres.csv (LFS: 75b6a31)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/ (LFS: 9e253c4)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/movies.csv (LFS: cf95196)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/ (LFS: 1f1b02b)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/people.csv (LFS: cb0d0f5)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/ (LFS: a387254)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/ (LFS: b574c4a)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/user_watched_movies.csv (LFS: 2cb8e9c)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/ (LFS: da0ea42)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/with_genre.csv (LFS: 34cdd47)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/small/ (LFS: 08b47b9)
        datasets/movie_recommendation/ (Git: b665eb1)
        mkdocs.yml (Git: 1e26846 -> Git: 34964e2)

Objects not staged for commit:

Then try to build the site locally and check the new dataset.

$ export WITH_GITLFS=true ;python3
$ mkdocs serve -a

And visit the site at http://localhost:8088 and verify the new dataset's page.

Then we could push the changes to the repository and create a PR!

Example of Jupyter-NebulaGraph %ng_load lines:

This is to prepare values under jupyter_nebulagraph_load_lines in the metadata.yaml file.

Option 0: generate the %ng_load lines from Nebula Importer config

Note: the v4 version(Config Version:v3) of Nebula Importer is not supported yet.

You could just call tools/ <path_or_url_to_nebula_importer_config> to generate the %ng_load lines, like:

$ python tools/

YAML file:

Parsed %ng_load lines:
Warn: edge: is_branch_of is propless
%ng_load  --source ./person.csv --tag person --vid 0 --props 1:name --space shareholding
%ng_load  --source ./corp.csv --tag corp --vid 0 --props 1:name --space shareholding
%ng_load  --source ./person_corp_role.csv --edge role_as --src 0 --dst 1 --props 2:role  --space shareholding
%ng_load  --source ./corp_rel.csv --edge is_branch_of --src 0 --dst 1   --space shareholding
%ng_load  --source ./corp_share.csv --edge hold_share --src 0 --dst 1 --props 2:share  --space shareholding
%ng_load  --source ./person_corp_share.csv --edge hold_share --src 0 --dst 1 --props 2:share  --space shareholding
%ng_load  --source ./person_rel.csv --edge reletive_with --src 0 --dst 1 --props 2:degree  --space shareholding

Option 1: write following docs of %ng_load

Basically we just need to compose the lines to map CSV columns to the edge or tag(vertex) schema.

See here for more details.

For example, to load data from a CSV file actor.csv into a space basketballplayer with tag player and vid in column 0, and props in column 1 and 2:

"player999","Tom Hanks",30
"player1000","Tom Cruise",40
"player1001","Jimmy X",33

Then the %ng_load line would be:

%ng_load --header --source actor.csv --tag player --vid 0 --props 1:name,2:age --space basketballplayer
         ────┬─── ────┬───────────── ─────┬────── ───┬─── ─────────┬────────── ────────────┬───────────
             │        │                   │          │             │                       │           
             │        │                   │          │             │                       │           
             │        │                   │          │             │                       │           
             │        │                   │          │             │                       │           
             │        │                   │          │             │                       │           
             │        │                   │          │             │                       │           
             │        │  ┌────────────────┘          │             │                 ┌────────────────┐
             │        │  │                           │             │                 │Graph Space Name│
             │        │  │            ┌──────────────┘             │                 └────────────────┘
             │        │  │            │    ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
             │        │  │            │    │Properties on <column_index>:<prop_name> if there are any.│
             │        │  │            │    └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
             │        │  │   ┌────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
             │        │  │   │                              For tag, there will be column index of VID│
             │        │  │   │ For edge, there will be src/dst VID index, or optionally the rank index│
             │        │  │   └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
             │        │  │                                                    ┌───────────────────────┐
             │        │  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤vertex tag or edge type│
             │        │                                                       └───────────────────────┘
             │        │                                                  ┌────────────────────────────┐
             │        └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┤File to parse, a path or URL│
             │                                                           └────────────────────────────┘
             │                                                         ┌──────────────────────────────┐
             └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤With Header in Row:0, Optional│

Prepare for Data Showcase

In metadata.yaml, you could add the following fields to showcase the dataset:


But how could we prepare these files? Don't worry, we have some tools to help you!

With NebulaGraph-Gephi

NebulaGraph-Gephi is a tool to help you:

  • Query NebulaGraph data and export to Gephi(.gexf) file, which could be used in Gephi or other visualization tools.
  • Query NebulaGraph data and export to Single HTML file with iframe tag.
  • To record a video of the graph visualization.

With Jupyter-NebulaGraph

Jupyter-NebulaGraph is a tool to help you:

  • Query NebulaGraph data and visualize (with %ng_draw) in Jupyter Notebook, there will be a nebulagraph.html file generated in your notebook folder.
  • Draw Schema Visualization with %ng_draw_schema magic, there will be a nebulagraph_schema.html file generated in your notebook folder.
  • To record a video of the graph data and schema visualization.

Prepare for Schema Diagram

We are using ASCII Schema Diagram powerred by Mermaid. Don't be afraid, they are optional and yet really easy to tweak with the live render tooling of Mermaid.

For example, you could copy the structure_mermaid field into the live render tooling and tweak it:

# the following part
structure_mermaid: |
  graph TD

    A -->|with_feature| B
    B -->|is_composed_of| C
    C -->|is_supplied_by| D

    style A fill:#f9d,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style B fill:#fcc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style C fill:#cfc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style D fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
properties_mermaid: |
    class car_model {
        string name
        string number
        int year
        string type
        string engine_type
        string size
        int seats
    class feature {
        string name
        string number
        string type
        string state
    class part {
        string name
        string number
        double price
        string date
    class supplier {
        string name
        string address
        string contact
        string phone_number

    car_model --> feature : with_feature
    feature --> part : is_composed_of
    part --> supplier : is_supplied_by

    style car_model fill:#f9d,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style feature fill:#fcc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style part fill:#cfc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style supplier fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;

  graph TD

    A -->|with_feature| B
    B -->|is_composed_of| C
    C -->|is_supplied_by| D

    style A fill:#f9d,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style B fill:#fcc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style C fill:#cfc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style D fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;

And it'll look like this in the live render tooling:

  graph TD

    A -->|with_feature| B
    B -->|is_composed_of| C
    C -->|is_supplied_by| D

    style A fill:#f9d,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style B fill:#fcc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style C fill:#cfc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style D fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;

Try modifying the structure_mermaid and properties_mermaid fields in the metadata.yaml file to see how it affects the schema diagram.

See also what a properties_mermaid looks like in the live render tooling:
